Tuesday 29 March 2011


Today was a good day.

Yes today was a good day because I basically finished all of my 3 idioms which I am very proud of.
  • I finished nailing in on my nails and cropping the board to it was neat enough to present.
  • I plucked out the styrofoam letters from my Idiom block and made the crack
  • And I bought some more rope, and arranged my idiom word at home, sewing up all the letters and ready to bring it in to college tomorrow

So tomorrow I will be having my mini PHOTO SHOOT! very exciting, I'll take my nice camera into Chelsea and set up an area with lots of white card and surrounding bright light. I'm thinking a plain white background for all the 3 pieces so they look part of a set (which they are).

Tomorrow I will also be finishing of al my paperwork and writing my evaluation now that I have finished. There was no point in starting to write my evaluation before I finished incase it didn't work or I needed last minute changes. 

Hectic rush to the finish line.

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