Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Look Again and Susan Hiller Exhibition

So I was reading the Metro newspaper this morning and saw this article about this photographer who used people's bodies as landscapes for miniature people. At first you don't see the naked bodies, they just look like deserted landscapes.
I thought the whole concept was very smart and maybe I could use the idea of not seeing something at first, or a hidden message in an image/ piece. Heres two photographs I liked and the Photographer is called Allen Teger.

I'm not a massive fan of the Tate Modern but I though I would give the Susan Hiller exhibition a go, lets just say it was a bit different to what I'm used to, lots of video pieces which I began to understand but were still confusing and slightly pointless. Then there was the best room of all. It was called Witness. You enter a large blue-lit room that seems to have a load of string or wire hanging down, with some kind of disc attached to the end. In fact, it looked exactly like this:

When you get closer you start to hear a weird whispering noise. A bit like a theatre audience just before a performance as heard from the stage. The discs at the bottom are actually speakers and each one has a recording of someone recounting a UFO encounter. They are in all languages so you soon find yourself wandering among the strands and speakers listening for English (presuming you are an English speaker obviously). There are quite a lot of English ones and the stories are really interesting. One of the best things though, is the strange sensation of wandering among the voices. You feel like Professor Xavier when he is doing that search thing among humans and you hear lots of snatches of conversation from hundreds of different people. To sum up this was probably the only piece I liked (sorry susan) but then again I'm not a Fine Artist so what do you expect.

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