Sunday 13 March 2011

Experimentation behind schedule!

Its been a while since my last post but I have a valid excuse in that I've been hard at work and went to a couple of interviews which did use up a lot of time. After having a reflection with Max (tutor) and our discussion group I decided I think it was time to stop daydreaming about what I was going to do and actually go out there and produce some practical work!
Heres a couple experiments which are in my sketchbook; they are not finished ideas at all just small testers; guess the idioms...

If you look back on one of my previous posts, there was a picture I posted by Julien De Repentigny which inspired me to look at literal photographs/drawings of words or objects or eventually in my case idioms. I did a couple small experiments in my room with my television and wardrobe mirror. I'm hoping this could develop onto something a lot bigger and more successful. 

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