Monday 7 March 2011

3D Typography

I was at college doodling today and my friend Kat came in and showed me this book called 3D Typography which was a massive inspiration booster. The whole book focused on just 3D type, mainly different alphabets but also new and original ideas of displaying type. I saw this image by Julien De Repentigny who has the word milk pouring out milk into a breakfast bowl. I thought it was so smart and related to my project as the image shows the literal meaning of the word milk.

Another piece from the book I liked was from a designer called Marila Dardot who had created cemented 3D type in the floor. Again very cool and original, inspired me to use type in my project.

Below is a link to a video i found of moving type done in a very orignal way. The artist Miguel Ramirez uses a cheese grater to grate out the letters.

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