Wednesday 2 March 2011

"Its a Small World"

So I had some inspiration from some images I saw on Flickr where people had created small planets on Photoshop from landscape/ panorama images and I decided to make my own for a literal image of the idiom; "Its a small world". Plus I was getting slightly bored of research and needed to do something more practical by elaborating on idioms and their literal meanings. This was just a tester and was not a great image in the first place but got me experimenting... 

Original Image ^

My Little Planet ^
It wasn't perfect, some parts of the landscape didn't line up properly. So I will use the knowledge I gained from this experiment to come up with a really good and interesting photograph in the future.

I also saw this music video which was based just on little planets. Its not photographs but they've used the effect on the video. VERY cool! just a shame the music isn't...

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