Wednesday, 30 March 2011


It's been a long six weeks, a very lazy beginning 2 weeks and a rushing last 2 weeks. Pretty much summed it up. I was very happy with the outcomes of my pieces but looking back in my sketch books I haven't done enough research that I hoped for, but felt like I made up for it in experimentations and the final outcome of course.

Heres my evaluation I wrote for the project:

Final Major Project Evaluation - Ralph Pedersen

Looking back on my Project Proposal now; I thought I had set a good, open brief for myself. I thought it was broad enough and had lots of different pathways leading out from it. At one point I thought I was completely wrong, but the further I used research methods and experimented with practical ideas; my work began to develop and I ended up with a  successful final outcome.

The research stage of my project did not co operate with me, at first I did not find anything that really interested me about Idioms which was worrying. I did manage to use a variety of research methods including books from the library, the internet and most successfully the general public. This was when I discovered that my project wasn't becoming just about idioms, but how people interpret them. I began to look more at the wording and literal sense of the idioms. Questionnaire results soon gave me ideas and I decided to put the research to one side and actually produce some practical work.

I began to produce literal idioms in the medium of photographs, some were more successful than others but I felt like my pieces didn't really have a point to them, they may of had a nice aesthetic quality but that was it. My ideas quickly developed on when I came across one piece I found in a 3D Typography book by Julien Repentigny. The piece really did focus on the objects and words it was using and inspired me to create a couple of my own. The concept of my idea was slowly changing and progressing into something a bit more interesting and meaningful.

Sources in my Bibliography did become useful but were very limited to a certain idea I had at the start of the project. Although these references I made, did lead on to finding out a lot of great websites and other artists. I stuck to my action plan as much as possible throughout the project, although I did not plan on the size of my final piece which took up a considerable amount of time which I didn't have.

My practical skills soon came in helpful as my idea developed. Looking at 3D work really inspired me, a lot of ideas that came out of the final outcome were due to 3D experimentation and really getting to grips with the materials I had chosen to use. I could of saved my save a massive amount of time by simply asking more questions and taking a second to think about the idea before producing work. That is one of my main aspects I've learnt during the course of this project.

If I was do this project again in the future I will definitely look more at my time management, as a lot of time was wasted on this project thinking about the final idea instead of generating ideas and going through the whole process. I also really need to churn out more research as I have learnt through this exercise, you cannot come up with a good idea without research first. Never try and leap frog this stage.

And here are my final pieces

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